Fine cast, playing it straight
21 June 2020
An ideal cast, and of course the lines practically speak themselves. One of the many brilliances about Wilde's script is the way that every character has wonderful things to say, no-one can dominate. And this is cast in a dream, Ian Carmichael, Patrick Macnee, Fenella Fielding and Susannah York, with Wilfred Brambell and Irene Handl in support. The lesser-known Pamela Brown is not physically imposing, but excellent nonetheless as Lady Bracknell. This is an utter pleasure, with zero artistic experimentation. The cutting edge of drama it isn't, but it is everything that drama ought to be.

I don't know how much of this still exists, but the third act is available as an extra on the Avengers Series 3 DVD, vol.6, on the strength of Patrick Macnee as Algy.
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