Review of Orange County

Orange County (2002)
First World Wealthy People Problems
26 June 2020
(Flash Review)

I wonder if post 2020, films with this focus won't be made for a lengthy duration as so many other meaningful societal problem have surfaced and are at a boiling point. At the core this is about, once again, how the importance of life experiences outweighs the importance of a dynamic high school transcript and getting accepting to an Ivy League school. The plot is about how silver spoon boy gets his transcript accidentally swapped with a surfer beach bum's thus gets rejected from Stanford. Heartbroken and traumatized, he goes on a quest to find another way in. While at the same time learning about himself and what matters in life. This is also a satire on how wealthy families behave and solve problems; only problems they would encounter. Will silver spoon boy fulfill his educational aspirations or change tact? Jack Black was a hoot and the story has many good jokes yet overall was rather typical and made sure to have a popular music soundtrack for residual revenues.
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