Clare Halse is a force of nature
2 July 2020
This is a stage production that looks like a movie. Well shot with shifting perspectives while capturing the movements. And what movements they are! The chorus and smaller roles are all handled by flawless and fun dancers and singers. The staging and chorography are as good as musical theater can produce.. And there's Clare Halse. The best tap dancer you've ever seen and one of the most winning faces you'll ever encounter. Watch this just to see her. Even when it's over, keep watching. She has a surprise for you even after the curtain call. Plenty of great songs, great dancing and a finale in a class by itself. Well worth your time. If I have one quibble with this production it would be the 'Shuffle Off To Buffalo' number that's jarringly silly and out of place. The other 95%? Perfection.
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