Le daim (2019)
Understanding the misunderstood
3 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
"Deerskin" written, directed, and edited by Quentin Dupieux, director of "Rubber", "Realite", and "Wrong". Knowing this directors previous films allows one to really know what they are getting into upon watching "Deerskin". Dupieux hasn't shyd away from his signature filmmaking style in the least here. He keeps embracing this bizarre, absurdist style of filmmaking which may have gone over well with hipsters, indie film lovers, and weirdos alike from 2009-2016. However, one of the films biggest problems is that it seems to try to do something that comes off... Idk, outdated? With an expectedly bizarre plot revolving around a weird man who becomes obsessed with Deerskin material along with the drive to eliminate every single jacket in the world other than his own deerskin counterpart. This is funny. Its quirky. Is it executed well? Kind of. Enough for me to really like it but it also could have been so much more. There are multiple ideas at play here but none of which are thoroughly explored. For example, the deerskin jacket seems to omit an enamoring trans over georges but is it all in Georges head or is this jacket truly alive? We see Georges talking "for" the jacket but then there is one part in particular where the viewer may be left unsure. George's is sleeping soundly to the point of snoring yet the jacket begins to call his name. His arm is covering his mouth so we cannot see whether or not he is truly speaking for the jacket at this part. You can clearly hear that the voice is an additional audio track played over Georges snoring. The jacket fails to wake Georges up. So either Georges was weirdly making the jacket talk in the middle of a deep sleep or the jacket actually had a voice of its own in this moment. I believed the latter but then the film goes nowhere with this. Also, if Georges was trying to eliminate " every jacket in the world", why didn't the film go even further into this idea? Surely only getting rid of 20 to 30 coats is miniscule and should be seen the same way by the deerskin jacket itself. Just as the violence begins and all hell seems to be breaking loose, the movie ends. We never even get to see any of the editors final edited scenes which i think would have been hilarious: to see the scenes he gave her through her confused vision. Another thing is that this movie has more than a few boring parts even if being absurd all the while. The color palette can also become a bit...dull and dreary for its own good. I own this movie on DVD and like many of Dipieux's previous films, there are no bonus features. This along with the fact he has another upcoming film, leads me to believe that this was a quick little production. An idea that was once cherished and gawked at but ultimately was created with little passion. This is his quick release before what may be his biggest film yet. His masterpiece. Good movie, not great.
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