Not so holy
14 July 2020
Have given this mixed feelings rating with regret, would never rate or review anything with malice or any kind of bias. Leni Riefenstahl was not a bad actress at all but was an even better director (the latter of which she is perhaps better known for and her personal life), and when it came to films centered around adversity in the mountains it didn't get much better than Arnold Fanck when it came to direction at that particular point in film history.

So it did sadden me that 'The Holy Mountain' didn't connect with me completely, being somebody that really did want to like it as Riefenstahl's directing efforts and her other mountaineering-oriented outings with Fanck have much to admire. Visually 'The Holy Mountain' is a triumph and there is some inspired direction, but it is far from exceptional story-wise and Riefenstahl went on to do much better things when her acting style matured and became more subtle and comfortable (neither of which evident here).

'The Holy Mountain' has a good deal of good things. Visually it is masterly. The scenery is beautiful and atmospheric but even better is the cinematography. Not only are there some truly breathtaking images, but the moving camera and time lapse photography are so well used and make what happens raw and moving and the points of view interesting. It is a hauntingly scored film again and written with sincerity and good intentions.

Fanck's direction has a lot of impressive parts, especially when capturing the intensity of the action and emotional impact of it. As there are intense and moving moments here.

On the other hand, the story tends to be very dull and not particularly eventful, which may be down to that there is not a lot to it structurally and the film tried to pad it out. It is also excessively melodramatic, especially later on when it got very overwrought. The characters are underdeveloped and quite sketchy even.

Generally, the acting is nothing special and Riefenstahl herself went on to much better after. Here she overdoes it quite dreadfully and Fanck's direction of her is all over the shop.

In conclusion, watchable but underwhelming. 5/10
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