"Still need a good signature line."
14 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well, it's got the word 'assassin' in the title, and since I've got an ongoing IMDb list that focuses on assassins, I thought I'd give this a try. The funny thing is, I don't think the main character in the movie ever killed anybody now that I think of it. That's because Samuel J. Larson (Kevin James) is an insurance actuary and would-be adventure novelist who's invented the fictional character Mason Carver. He's drawn into a Venezuelan coup attempt by virtue of a literary agent reinventing his persona from a fiction writer to a real life, globe spanning killer for hire.

As insane as the whole idea sounds, this is generally a fun movie that keeps pace with it's action and humor. What's impressive are the fight scenes and martial art encounters involving actors Kevin James and Zulay Henao portraying DEA agent Rosa Bolivar. Those sequences seamlessly place their stunt doubles into the middle of the action without compromising someone like James, who's size and weight precludes an ability to fly through the air with the greatest of ease. I liked Bolivar in her role, fortunately the story line didn't try to make the most of a romantic entanglement between her character and partner Sam Larson.

The story itself introduces a host of characters conspiring to do away with each other in the hotbed of Venezuelan drug trafficking, mercenaries for hire, and political corruption. The one liners come rapidly and take some of the edge off an entirely implausible story, so if you're up for something just a little bit different, this one might fill the bill for you. Kevin James fans should be particularly pleased.
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