Review of Scintilla

Scintilla (2014)
Boredom, then annoyance, then nonsense. At least the badness is spread out and not all at once.
3 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The first half-hour is just people sneaking up on other people. You enjoy that much sneaking up? I don't, it's boring.

The film doesn't wait long to annoy the viewer (after it had bored them): they give us a spoiler already in the opening scene. Nice going, muppets. So if you really have nothing better to do and must watch this average flick, make sure you at least skip the first few minutes.

Nor does it take the film very long to start revealing its nonsense:

1. A mercenary gets stabbed with an injection but keeps quiet about it - as if any half-way "seasoned" movie-goer can't figure out how that later unfolds i.e. he very predictably turns into a mutant then turns against his unit.

2. The hopeless biker "guard" fails to notice ANY of the 7-8 intruders scattered lying on the ground while she slowly examines the terrain. And yet, just a little later we are lead to believe she's smart enough to suspect that the computer guys are intruders? Yes, sure, whatever, Mr Writer-Man.

3. Sillier still, this dumb-yet-smart guard looks like a typical thick teenybopper who cant add 2 and 2 - but is cast as a merciless homicidal terrorist in some feral Chechen/Azerbaijani/whatever military outfit. Who the hell casts these films? Do casting agents all get lobotomies at film school? And then there's her goofy Russian-English, which makes her sound like a cold-war Bond film character.

4. They sneak up to a female Mengele, yet she doesn't react in fear or surprise but - once again - like a cliche Bond villain says "I've been expecting you" (literally those words). So dumb. She looks like a frigid-librarian version of Austin Powers and I do mean the way she dresses also. Mad scientists are so mad that they don't even experience fear? Do they believe they're immortal then?

5. It gets very dumb from there. The asexual librarian has been watching the semi-alien siblings for 5 years yet hadn't noticed how smart they are, how they were pretending to be dumb all along - despite having cameras installed.

6. If the aliens are so smart how come they allowed the scientist to hold them captive for so long? With their violent propensity and obvious technical skills why didn't they break out earlier?

7. Once the team survivors go back up, they stupidly ask: "what are they firing at?" Duh, the alien, kinda obvious. What kind of dummies ARE this movie's mercenaries?

8. Not as dumb though as the scene in which the female team leader survives a bomb blast and reaches the others as if she'd been merely scratched by a friendly cat.

9. The alien doesn't want to shoot the blond guy nor the chief mercenary. Why?

10. The chief doesn't shoot the alien. Why?
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