The Rack Pack (2016)
None Snooker fans will wanna watch this too !
4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Thinking back now,this probably my 4th or 5th review. I had sadly lost my copy of this what can only be described as a classic in my opinion,and only recently managed to source another. Watched again same night and there is (which I was not aware of just how much) so much animosity between the two main characters,which I will just add here Luke Treadway and Will Merrick,both fantastic in their roles here,firstly portraying Alex 'Hurricane' Higgins,he is just as I remember him from the late 70's - early 80's,arrogant,obnoxious but he was at that point the 'peoples champion',so much to his annoyance a new golden boy (aka Steve 'Boring' Davis) emerges and is quickly taken aboard by manager Barry Hearn (played excellently by Kevin Bishop),from the outset his mannerism is true to life,totally nerdy..especially one of his first scenes entering a snooker club (not giving away too much). It portrays the love/hate (mainly on Alex's side,well hate really) and actually quite saddening brief scene where Davis goes back in to arena after seeing Higgins lose (and we see him once more on road to destruction still drinking alcohol long after lights have gone down) and he offers him some real good friend advice,but obviously with Higgins looking through a muddled haze of alcohol/whatever other drugs he could lay his hands on,he refuses and hurls insults at forlorn Davis. Another mention I must say played her part brilliantly was Alex's wife (played by Nichola Burley) ..Hell that woman put up with some s**t before finally realizing Alex was NEVER going to change his ways of drink/drugs and womanizing (didn't know he was such good friends with late Oliver Reed until I watched this movie),and she finally saw sense and left Alex. Alex's best friend in most of this film,Jimmy White (awesome acting James Bailey) sees his rise in game but never quite managing to hit world champion (such a shame I feel),he is supposedly another bad boy of the game,but yet never really see him up to no good here or in real life even (that I recall),but Alex was deeply annoyed/saddened when Jimmy revealed to Alex he had gone and signed with Mr. Hearn and newly formed 'Matchroom Mob'..after this point we see unfortunate Higgins spiral rapidly down,a quite emotional scene where he actually went to see Barry Hearn,begging for him to be signed up,but and rightly so Barry had more sense and refused..only further angering Higgins so he does what he does best and goes for more alcohol. I'm going to leave it at this point,because there are other points in film which I'm not giving away (simply because I want others to enjoy this film as much as I did). Yes,I'm an avid snooker player/fan and pool BUT,and I see this as important..this movie should/will appeal to most viewers not just those fans of the green baize !Honestly wouldn't have thought it was a made for TV movie,but certainly doesn't feel like it either. Be nice to hear what others think after watching this. Look forward to reading more reviews in the future. And at just under 90 minutes in total you not much to lose..I see there are a couple of 'so-so reviews',can't understand why/where from
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