Review of G-Loc

G-Loc (2020)
response for max_lucas on windy space
13 August 2020
Actually there is wind in space. it is just not the kind you are used to. cosmic wind and yes a kind of wind created by your movement and speed through space. There is incredible cosmic winds in space, harder and faster than anything you have felt on earth. They are moving at thousands of miles an hour. Some times they have different forms of cosmic dust and particles with them as well as radiation. So, to say windy in space, why yes it is... The astronauts on the moon were hit with wind in space and what came with it were tiny cosmic specs that actually flashed in their rhetna's as flashes of light.

For the move, no not bad for a time when we are starved for anything half decent. So yea, not that bad... give it a whirl....
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