A fine movie for a school project
13 August 2020
After i've seen another great movie "The idealist" also from the hand of Christina Rosendal, it was with some expectations I watched this movie and I was so disappointed. Well, I must admit I hadn't done any homework, reading or doing research about the history regarding the plot on this movie. That was perhaps a great mistake of me.. don't know.. but I hate to read all about a movie before I go to see it, nor do I ever see trailers that either total spoils every expense within the movie or show to much so that you actually have seen the whole movie. This movie is so boring in many ways IF you go and see it just as a "thriller" or "drama" or what it was supposed to be?? Do yourself a favor BEFORE you see the movie, read and do research about world war 2 and Henrik Kauffman, then you perhaps will find some moment of interest in this looong, talking, talking, talking and more talking movie. Don't let you fool by watching the trailers..there is absolutely no thrill, action, or suspense in "The good traitor" Maybe and only maybe, it could be used in a school project and be shown in class time. So sorry Christina.. Not sure what went wrong here.. There are so many good actors, all doing their best, but in my opinion it's obviously that they have a hard time to find the right, how should I say, feelings. hmm..!? It just don't feel right.
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