The Burnt Orange Heresy (2020) - 6.0
27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1 - 6.1

Act 2 - 6.6

Act 3 - 5.2

Good performances by all

Dialogue is very good and that's what the film relies on the most

Film was smart until the third act when things get quite ridiculous

Big character jump for James that doesn't make sense and derails the film

Film does land the final scene but struggled to get there

James is an art critic, very well educated and articulate

Meets Berenice who he sleeps with and invites her to meet a famous art dealer

They meet Joseph Cassidy and he seems quite eccentric

Jerome Debney a famous artist is in a house next door and tease a meeting with him

Joseph wants James to interview Jerome and make history by talking to and critiquing him

In return Jospeh wants one of his works of art and threatens James with exposing him as helping to sell a forgery if he fails

Berenice is quite mysterious and seems to be hiding some personal info

Debney is a fan of James's articles and agrees to talk to him

James tries to uncover more about Berenice and he doesn't believe much that she says

Berenice goes alone on a boat ride with Debney while James goes to his house to try and steal one of his paintings

Berenice asks about James's story to open the film and Debney gives some different insight

James fails to get in and hurts his nose and bleeds

Berenice reveals to Debney that she is a teacher and is trying out a new life here in Italy

Fly on the bathtub of James, talked earlier how it signified death in paintings

Debney hasn't made any new work feel discarded after his few weeks of fame after the fire, put up the empty frame as a joke and people took it and ran with it

Burnt his own villa after with his work in it, now paints in his mind not on canvas and James is upset

The Burnt Orange Hersey is the names of one of his blank canvas

James goes back and breaks into Debney's home and takes the Burnt Orange Heresy and some paint and a copy of his signature

James then sets the cottage on fire, took a very drastic turn

James and Berenice leave that night as James is in a hurry to flee the scene

James was a failed artist and now has an opportunity to forge a Debney

Joseph calls about the painting and James gets his inspiration for what to paint, only Debney is existence even though this will be a fake

Berenice sees what James has done and confronts him, James is going insane and then drowns Berenice

Turns out she didn't die and James tries to apologize for attempted murder

Such a massive and unbelievable chapter jump that doesn't make much sense

Berenice goes back to the apartment with him, crazy

Berenice calls him a fraud and he's the fly then he hits her killing her for real this time

Absolutely crazy and so ridiculous how this third act has turned into unrealistic nonsense

James puts her body at the bottom of a pond, tough ending for Berenice who turned out to be a good person just looking for a new start

On news Debney is dead at Joseph's home

Everyone talking about Debney again and James is the only person to have claimed to see his work

James writes a book about him and is a big deal in the art world now

Cassidy seems to know what James has done to Berenice

Berenices mother seems to have received a drawing from Debney of Berenice, the only real Debney

See the fingerprint left behind from Berenice, could be tracked back to him, James now paranoid

James opens a letter left for him by Debney and it's just full of flies

Get to see the real last Debney in Berneices mother's Home with photos of her, debney did sign it and that's the last shot

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