Unpregnant (2020)
Refreshing and original
10 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I was so afraid she wouldn't end up getting the abortion, and I was so happy when she did. We are so used to seeing this topic portrayed in seemingly empathetic light, only to have our hearts ripped out (as women), when the "moral" of the story is always that abortion is something that happens to "other people". Sure, it's ok if it's someone else, but "we" don't believe in it for ourselves. This attitude is reflected by the mother in the end, which brings us back to reality and offers a sobering effect. But, the real gravity of this film comes form the main portrayal of a young teenage girl who is still a child, but grown up enough to make a conscious and definitive choice for herself.

When I think about it, I don't think I have ever seen a portrayal of abortion from the unique perspective of a young person. It reminds you what it was like to be young, and how unserious life was, but that doesn't mean there is not wisdom and understanding, that they cannot make their own decisions. As is so well displayed by the lead actress - she is old enough to get pregnant and give birth, but not to get an abortion?

I've never seen such a convincing and comforting expression of a feminist and reproductive rights perspective. The "pro-life" people as horror characters was a bit over the top, but somehow necessary. Because, this is truly how these people look from the other side. So many abortion debate portrayals are unnecessarily sensitive to the anti-abortion side, when there is so much exploitation and manipulation from them. It was refreshing to see them portrayed for what they are - total weirdos who make other people's business their own.

This is a comedy, so it doesn't get into the complicated and heavy stuff regarding morality and social issues surrounding abortion. It doesn't address the power dynamics of keeping women in positions of parenting over professional life, but I think a smart person can extrapolate the implications. Ultimately, this is an important work of feminism. But, it was also very entertaining and fun, which is a little weird considering the topic. Maybe I won't remember this a year from now, but I have no doubt it will have made an unconscious impression.
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