Review of Creation

Creation (1931)
Creation, while an unfinished work, eventually led Willis O'Brien to his greatest achievement-King Kong
16 September 2020
After doing the clay/stop-motion dinosaur sequences in The Lost World, Willis O'Brien then wanted to do a film called Creation which once again involved those prehistoric creatures, this time discovered by a crew on a ship. The cost-especially during these Depression times-was too expensive though so it was dropped. But not before O'Brien managed to shoot some footage of a Triceratops and her two kids playing around on the island before one of those kids wanders around to the sight of the movie's villain who shoots the poor boy in the eye and when the mother hears her son's cries, she rushes to the villain who fails to make a quick retreat before she gores him! All but that last part, I managed to see on YouTube which was part of a short sequence of which the narrator told the whole story while drawings of what was supposed to happen were shown as well as that only photographed sequence I just described. I read in the comments on YT that it was part of a documentary of the 1933 version of King Kong on that movie's DVD extras section. Anyway, while this movie was cancelled, producer Merian C. Cooper wanted O'Brien to help do some similar sequences for his own movie. And what was that movie, why it was King Kong, of course!
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