Miracles & Possession
21 September 2020
The Devil's Doorway: A found footage dark horror tale. 1960, two priests are sent to investigate reports of a miracle at a Magdalene Laundry. The younger priest, Fr Thornton (Ciaran Flynn), films their work. Fr Riley (Lalor Roddy) the senior cleric has 25 years experience as a miracle auditor and has grown cynical, Thornton still hopes to uncover proof. The priests clash with the brutal Mother Superior (Helena Breen) over the treatment of the inmates and at night Thornton is disturbed by visions of children playing, apparent ghosts. Things quickly turn stranger as the priests discover the nuns are hiding a dark secret, a pregnant girl (Lauren Coe) imprisoned in the basement. Possession, Satanic Worship and savage violence are the themes which run through this film. But as Fr Riley points out the evil carried out by people is often far worse than any supernatural threats. The history of the Magdalene Laundries bears witness to this. A disturbing film which makes the most of a low budget. Some great scenes shot in underground tunnels. Convincing performances by Roddy, Flynn, Coe and Breen). Directed and co-written by Aislinn Clarke. Available at All4 until 3 October. 7/10.
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