Best documentary I have ever seen
25 September 2020
Honestly this is incredibly good . It's well done , flows great , keeps you interested , educates and inspires . I loved the people they decided to interview , each with their own story . So many powerful events and powerful people .

I am a huge sports fan , and obsessed with the Olympics so the content matter was an obvious plus . I loved how it portrayed para Olympics as real sports and the athletes as real athletes ( which they are ) but I think this will help people who feel different view them this way . I smiled and cried start to finish , and I left wanting to do better and be better and make the best of any situation .

I started it at 11pm thinking I would watch half and finish it tomorrow , powered through it and now I am writing this review and texting every other true sports fan I know telling them to watch this immediately . Watch it - you won't regret it .
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