The Twilight Zone: Third from the Sun (1960)
Season 1, Episode 14
Escape to Salvation
2 October 2020
This is another honorable mention that I enjoy watching. Once again, another episode based on a short story from one of my favorite author's Richard Matheson. The episode could be part of a history lesson as this story obviously acknowledged the intensity of the cold war and nuclear power.

The episode is a simple escape thriller, I really like the atmosphere of tenseness just like the characters you really feel that time is not on anyone's side as the clock hands are the ticking away toward doom, and this family window of time to salvation is closing fast.

One of the things that make the episode is in the characters and dialog which is surprisingly good there are some memorable lines. I really like Fritz Weaver who is an alumni of anthologies, he's really good as the tortured dad whom feels guilty for contributing to the engineering of the planet's destruction.

I really like how we see how human he truly is that he really isn't a bad guy, like a lot of people that worked where he was he got into it with good intentions and I feel genuine reasons where he wanted to defend his home so his family would be protected. But we see after a while as he's worked there for a long while and the war grew more intense, he started to change his mind as well as realize how bitter the cool aid the governmental powers he served really is.

I like how he states a reality on his role on things but also the kind of sad reality that has been constructed that he's a mere cog in a giant governmental/military machine, even if he quit, it wouldn't make a difference because they would always find someone else to replace him like any spare part.

From this we see his escape plight isn't just a race for survival but also you could say a form of redemption as he wants his daughter to still have a future by giving her a new world which their old world can no longer provide her. We of course get an antagonist whom is a coworker, I think.

This is a villain you plain dislike and is kind of creepy as he's got a little of the mannerism of a stalker which is one of the things he is. From the white outfit he wears and glasses, it really reflects the kind of evil he is which is just cold calculating sociopath with bland soullessness.

The guy is also a cultist, you can tell this guy has chuged down gallons of cool aid the powers that be have been serving up for years. He's so devout to it but it's a blind devolution, as the powers that be were wrong and aren't invincible nor gods but are as mortal as him. He sees the family's plight of escape as a form of weakness for the deities their supposed to serve and of course is going to do everything to prevent them from escaping, despite the fact he's about to die to.

This I feel is the message of this story which is not to let ourselves give totally into governmental/military powers. For as much as they might serve us, they do not make nor should they determine the course of our lives. Our lives are our own and we are the only ones that get to do that. Any power that attempts to dictate our lives is morally corrupt and must never be obeyed.

But of course, the other thing that makes this episode is the ending which made this story even more interesting because it takes our preconceived assumptions and turns them upside down. Will the family escape to salvation and what salvation will they find, you'll just have to wait and find out?

Rating: 3 and a half stars
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