The Scarf (1951)
Words Aplenty
14 October 2020
It is the dialog what ruins this movie. In what way? There is too much of it. This motion picture strikes me as a mite to philosophical for its own good. From the very beginning the two characters are loquacious and each with plenty to say in a vocabulary no-one has heard spoken in real life ever by anybody and hardly by a desert hermit and an escaped ex-con whom we are supposed to believe has almost died in the Sonoran Desert. It must have been inspired by Franz Kafka: "If I have no sense of guilt, and I haven't, then maybe I didn't do what they accuse me of. Maybe I'm innocent" (12:20). Three more characters enter from stage left and the play continues with, not one but, two quoting a Harvard medical professor. ... Sorry, I heard enough of this in Metaphysics 101 every Monday and Thursday morning in the Aula Maxima. I'm outa here guys. Life calls.
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