Orphan Horse (2018)
This movie is worth a 4, so I am giving it one star to balance things out.
19 October 2020
It's plainly bad, boring, and nothing innovative. It's not a story that you would want to invest yourself into, because there are better movies out there. The only use I would find for this monster is displaying it in a bar and turning off audio.

Why is it boring??????? It's boring because it is really foreseeable. Every situation in the movie is pushed artificially to where the movie wants to go. That is, it does not create plot points to smooth the narrative thread out, and develop the story so that it is naturally gathering in. Instead of that, it lazily pushes every scene of the movie so that it makes it unwatchable and cringey. In summary it is really unnatural and irritating.

Why is it bad??????????????? This movie is bad because of unrealism. This movie is bad because of bad acting. This movie is bad because of lack of social consciousness. Take for example this: A character in the movie is talked down to by another character that is obliged by the situation to talk respectfully, and because of social standards. Don't understand me wrong, I ain't sensitive, but you got to be autistic in order to not know those kind of social norms. In summary, it is really unrealistic and really irritating so much so to to the point I shut it off because I had enough. It tries something cute but copied so many times it's depressing. Well, maybe an 8 year old kid wouldn't be bothered by how the movie "develops" but hey, I ain't a kid no more, I am sorry. Maybe not.

Why is it badly bad???????????????? Well, it is really an out of the box element for the majority, but the way the movie has been shot is really annoying.

With those things said, maybe you want to watch: War Horse Have a nice one!
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