A bonafide Perfect 10
29 October 2020
No inflated ratings here. The series is perfect in every way. Sometimes a rare show or movie comes a long where you just want to savor every second of it, and when it is over you feel bad that you watched it as you wish you could see it all over again fresh.

It really does not even matter if you care about chess or even understand it. Chess is an old and esteemed game but the club is rather small . I just have a cursory understanding of the game myself from very casual play as a child, where one learns how the pieces move and you play with other kids with no strategy at all.

The series production takes a very interesting approach to the actual "chess" action. In all, there's really not much direct chess action, but almost every game is choreographed differently, from the setting and music to the surrounding atmosphere or "goings on". To point, during the key games you see more of what's going on around the game than the game itself. It's like the director knew that most folks don't want to watch a show about people moving chess pieces across a board. Yet, all the suspense and drama is captured perfectly and it is fascinating.

Mostly though, 'Queen's Gambit' is a human story. A coming of age drama about a girl coming from a difficult background, who just happens to be a genius and a prodigy. It's this development and progression from an early age, and the struggles along the way, that really captures your heart. All played wonderfully by a beautiful and talented up-and-coming (or has she arrived) actress in Taylor-Joy. I was already familiar with Joy from movies like "The Witch" , "Split", and some smaller stuff, but I think this is the work that will skyrocket her. The supporting cast also does an excellent job here, but this is Taylor-Joy all the way and she rocks it.

Overall, this series is very uplifting. It touches on some darker subjects related to her childhood and addictions but, in my opinion, never enters truly melodramatic territory. And I think that works well here. The ending is fantastic....and yet very down to earth.

Do not hesitate....watch. I can't recommend this enough. Best thing I've seen on the small screen in a long time, and I'd go so far to say that this is the best Netflix Original to date.
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