Hell's Kitty (2018)
Not a movie. Just clips edited together.
1 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Back in college I read a book about B-Movies. The author set out to watch the worst movies he could find on VHS and DVD. Sometime in the book, he mentioned the concept of a "Z-Movie." A Z-Movie is even worse than a B-Movie. They feature clips of other movies edited together with some new footage in order to make a new "movie" to dupe the public into watching.

Hell's Kitty confirms that the Z Movie not exists but is live and well. Director and writer Nicholas Tana has a YouTube channel where most of the content of this movie is available for free. The series and this film have the same title. As bad as this Z-Movie is, I couldn't take watching the same content over again. There is some nudity content that is not on YouTube.

The IMDb summary tells you everything you need to know about the movie. The end result is a series of unrelated clips edited together as if they tell a coherent plot. They don't. Characters come in and out for no reason. It's shocking how many horror celebrities Tana got to make appearances. It comes off as if he met everyone at a convention and offered them a deal to appear in his movie for a few minutes in exchange for a charitable donation.

As a series, the clips might be more enjoyable. I at least enjoyed seeing the celebrities outside of the movies where I'm used to seeing them. They all put on good efforts to make this awful movie fun for a few moments. Tana and the other unknowns don't offer much. They attempt to recreate some horror movie moments lacking celebrity cameos. This arrogance makes you wish you were watching something original or the actual movies. It was a poor choice to do this when there are some segments with real celebrities.

Skip Hell's Kitty. If you want a fun movie with killer cats, pick up The Uncanny which was recently released on Blu Ray.
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