Perfect Dark (I) (2000 Video Game)
An Honest Review
4 November 2020
Yeah, Bond gets all the love because it came first. And it deserves it.

But this was better. And it was kind of better because of sims. If you had a slow night and couldn't get all your friends to sit around the TV and kill one another, you could at least load up a bunch of sims and have that feeling.

Or, you could load them up to pad the scores a little, make the friend on friend violence a little more chaotic.

Oh, yeah, there were solo missions too, and those were fun. New Chicago still stands out pretty vividly in my memory.

But it wasn't about the solo missions, it was just Bond brought to the next level of friend-on-friend digital violence.

Like Goldeneye before it, it's one of those games where the vivid memories come from playing it with friends, all in the same room, and not so much going out on your own.
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