Halfwit Gorilla Romps Through Naples
9 November 2020
Wow. This was bad. Like a made-for-TV movie, but made for Bulgarian TV, circa 1975. What do you get? Sci-fi computer programs that are alleged to predict human behavior. Characters with absolutely zero character development or insight. Disjointed dialog that makes no sense. Editing by the pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey method. Three great actors -- George Kennedy, John Mills and Rita Tushingham -- who are massively embarrassed by the worst shlock any of them ever appeared in. And a lumbering oaf of a 'hero' who would rather risk the lives of innocents than call the police when he knows where the baddies are about to strike next. Oh, and the police? I don't wonder if the Italian government logged a complaint for making their cops look like dolts.
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