Back to the Titanic (2020 TV Movie)
Neat footage of the wreck, but suffers from pointless dramatization
11 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There's some really interesting footage of the wreck and the technology they use to get there. The 3D modelling based on dive footage is especially cool. It's really neat to see how the wreck looks, 35 years post-discovery and 108 years post-sinking.

That said, the production suffers from way too much pointless dramatization. The narrator sounds like he's auditioning for action movie trailers, and the music seems like a low-budget attempt at an homage to Hans Zimmer.

They've also contrived some stupid moments of "suspense" and "danger"...oh there's jagged metal on a shipwreck? And a current in the ocean? You don't say...

Bad writing throughout, too. Lines like "if true, it would be INCREDIBLE". Just, stop. Please.

And during the dives, when they should just show the ship and shut up, they spend half the time showing the guys inside the submarine reacting to the wreck. Or the irrelevant great-great-grandson of a dead plutocrat, also just reacting to footage of the wreck, on a macbook back on the surface.

You shot hours of wreck footage. Just show that, and stop with the goofy drama and the human interest stuff.
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