A great addition for all you Jason fans out there!
21 November 2020
Friday the 13th. The legendary Jason, the hockey-mask wearing machete virtuoso, the maestro of slash whose trademark woosh-woosh-woosh ha-ha-ha theme music has been the Horror soundtrack of generations. This is really what this film is all about, another taste of Jason and a respectful homage to the classic Slasher of the 80s. In my opinion, it isn't a remake at all, more of a late addition to the long anthology.

If this is your first encounter with FT13, you're in for a guilty pleasure. The plot is as logical as any urban legend, the characters ridiculously stereotypical and too stupid to live, and of course there's the occasional unnecessary sex scene in full nudity in case anyone mistook this for a serious film. The thing is - this is what Slasher films are all about. All these shortcomings serve to make the antagonist all the more stupendous, terrifying and too awesome for words. By the middle of the film you'll be rooting for that guy.

In all honesty, I think I would have enjoyed this film even without being a devout Jason fan (though it definitely would have made me one as, like I've said, sheer awesome). Some of the characters are actually quite relatable (the main plot revolves around a guy trying to find out what happened to his sister, so you know, you're all like "good for you man, I hope you don' die a gruesome awesome death"). The acting isn't terrible (albeit far from impressive) and the cinematography really does its part in emphasizing how huge yet dexterous Jason is.

So, if you're a fan of the original films, you simply have to watch this, if only for the sake of having your condescending catharsis while criticizing it for being as good as the original. If this is indeed your first time - I would recommend looking for the original films before you dive into the tribute. Jason rules, had to say it again. He does.
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