Five Star Christmas (2020 TV Movie)
I give Five Star Christmas a Nine out of Ten IMDB rating. It was both cheerful and witty
29 November 2020
Well Mrs. Shullivan and I don't necessarily agree on all the film's we watch together but Five Star Christmas kept us both entertained from the beginning until the end. We also agreed that actress Bethany Joy Lenz is a fantastic actress with still untapped potential.

Bethany Joy Lenz plays Lucy Ralston who comes back home for Christmas to stay with her widower father, grandparents and her three other siblings only to find out that her father has recently (and secretively) turned their family home into a Bed & Breakfast. They find out that a famous Bed & Breakfast critic is coming into town to write reviews on a few local B&B establishments and so the family agrees to help out their father and try to impress this unknown critic by putting on a show by pretending to be paid guests and/or hotel employees.

It's a fun, witty, romantic story with some heartfelt moments and is well worth watching at least twice if for no other reason to see a star emerge in actress Bethany Joy Lenz.

I give it a 9 out of 10 IMDB rating
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