Honestly one of the worst episodes of the series.
28 December 2020
Somehow the writers of the show were able to take one of the funniest things from season two and turn it into one of the least funny things in the entire series. All of the jokes fall flat in this episode. Everything dealing with slap number four seemed to turn all five main characters into caricatures of themselves. It all culminates in a scene where they are bequeathing the slap to each other in the spirit of the season. I find that part of the episode so insufferable that I have to fast forward through it. The main plot with Lily's dad is equally bad. The line, "Family isn't a right. It's a privilege that has to be earned." is a really sad way to look at the world and seems to encourage holding grudges against people. This episode is one that I'll be skipping on all future series rewatches. One of the worst of the worst.
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