The Lifeguard (2013)
It's A Mass Of Confusion Like The Lies They Sell To You
2 January 2021
There are all sorts of different perspectives on this film and most of them not so good it seems. At the same time quite a few people seem to have enjoyed it a lot as well. I think you either get the feel of the film or you don't. It's sort of aimless as a film and all of its main characters are struggling with aim, direction. The water theme flows with the film as these people to some degree are all floating along on waves of life so to speak. Sometimes sinking. I think the film probably deserves more credit than it's gotten. The film is about being confused in life, confused about yourself and your direction, and as such I'd say it definitely works. If you get into the film, it is able to capture that unstable feeling. Sort of like the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre is able to capture that feeling of complete chaos with its ending. It's actually very similar, but yet very different at the same time. This is far from a great film, but it's also a lot better and more interesting than your average Hollywood flick. A lot of the critics have said that the film doesn't reveal character motivations, or flush out enough from the characters backstories and the like, but not every film is about deep character introspection or understanding. Not every story needs to be built this way. Nor does every character need to be overly explained in standard ways. This film really doesn't overly need or want that. Many of the critics were just too confused to understand the confusion hence film past its surface. Take off the boring and jump in the water! 7/10
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