Review of Nova

Nova (1974– )
8 January 2021
I have watched Nova for years. I don't know when I started watching Nova. I wish I knew.

I like Science so I always find Nova exciting. I don't like every episode equally. But, mostly I think I learn something for having spent 55 minutes watching Nova.

Nova is so relaxing that it makes me sleepy. The narrators are so calming. For me it would be the perfect show to watch before going to sleep at night.

Nova seems to have shows about everything to do with science. There have been episodes on math, Einstein, Architecture. I remember one episode was about how a great pyramid might have been built. A group of people was trying to build their own pyramid.

Nova also has episodes on hacking, storms, driverless cars, robotics, earthquakes. Basically if it has to do with science Nova probably has an episode about it.

Its impossible for me to think of my favorite episode of Nova. There are so many episodes. Well probably my favorite episode of Nova had to do with a Darpa competition for robots. I also liked one on driverless cars.

I won't say nova is a can't miss show for me. But, I do enjoy watching it sometimes.
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