Aberdeen (2000)
Too many plot holes
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This was a tough watch. Dying mother calls her daughter from her hospital bed in Aberdeen with a request for her and her father to come quickly before she dies of cancer.

Kaisa, the over-agitated, over-dramatic and over-aggressive daughter, skips her work as a lawyer (somewhere in England, perhaps London?) to board a plane (presumably to Stavanger) to track down her estranged, alcoholic, Norwegian father. His drunkenness prevents them from boarding a flight to Aberdeen, so Kaisa drives them to Bergen to catch a ferry.

There are no ferries to Aberdeen. They arrive somewhere in England. Kaisa drops by her office to pick up some work files before they hit the road north.

The rental car, picked up at the Norwegian airport and never returned, breaks down somewhere in England. Friendly trucker Clive offers them a lift as far as Mansfield, where the car is later towed to them at a roadside service station after being repaired.

Kaisa and her father continue on their journey, driving well into the night on what would be a 7-hour drive before stopping to let her father relieve himself by a tree. He falls over drunk. Police arrive. He's helped to a police cell for the night while Kaisa decides to go out drinking in what looks to be the Glasgow Barrowlands.

She shuns the advances of some local losers before Clive miraculously appears out of nowhere and takes her home to his place. (Hadn't they been driving for hours?).

Kaisa sneaks out in the early morning and picks her dad up from the police station. They argue while having breakfast in a diner. Dad storms off after surreptitiously stealing his daughter's wallet to leave Kaisa alone again. She returns to Clive's apartment to enlist his help, and they go off driving around whichever town they're now in to find Kasia's father.

They find him drunk and being humiliated by a large group of revellers wandering the streets after a night out. A fight ensues. Kaisa is badly beaten. Clive is the hero and saves them before storming off. He's done with them.

Kaisa and her dad are back at the car. He's too drunk to drive. She's bleeding and bruised. Dad goes off walking and is quickly stalked by the ringleader of the revellers. He's run over in the middle of the road by a hit and run driver.

Dad gets Clive back as they need his help to drive them to Aberdeen (which is either a 7-hour drive away if they've somehow looped back to Mansfield, or 3 hours if they're in Glasgow?). Yet they need to stop again overnight in a caravan park. They then go clothes shopping in Edinburgh to make themselves presentable for mother.

Hoorah! They're finally in Aberdeen (oh, after Kaisa gets drunk in the car and tries to straddle her father). Now she's too drunk to be admitted. They spend the night in a hotel. Clive is done again. He leaves. They return to the hospital the next morning. They see Mum before she dies... and then leave the hospital to be confronted by police looking for the hit-and-run driver that mowed a guy down in another city miles away not that long before. Excellent police work.

Police find Kaisa's drug stash (although she'd already appeared to have sold off her drugs to some shady creep in an Edinburgh basement to fund the shopping trip). Dad, who we now learn isn't actually her biological father, takes the wrap and gets sent down.

Still following? I wasn't. Codswallop. 🙈
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