Very Bumpy Road...
18 January 2021
My wife and I watched this last week. Our rule is simple---we each have 'veto' power to stop watching a TV show or movie if we 'just can't take it anymore'. I nearly exercised my veto several times during Six Minutes to Midnight, but kept quiet. As it turns out, my wife also (silently at the time) considered using her veto. Neither of us spoke up. So we watched until the bitter end.

"Uneven" is a kind way to describe this effort. Good cast, nice scenery and the IDEA of the story is excellent. The execution of the story is poor. Sloppy script, poor direction, the pacing is....well, what pacing? There were times when the movie was quite serious...and then turned 'campy'. The character played by D'Arcy, in particular. I got the feeling his parts were filmed at a time when the movie was headed in one direction (camp) but ended up trying to be serious.

Before the credits rolled, we learn the German-controlled school for the education and refinement of daughters of Nazi VIPs (the school located IN ENGLAND) was real and operated for several years prior to England's entry into WWII. I noted the copyright was 2019---and it's being released in 2021. Any port in a storm.
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