The Hamburg Cell (2004 TV Movie)
Thought this was pretty shoddily made, with an especially poor screenplay
4 February 2021
Am guessing this was a TV movie or extremely low-budgeted- if so, the acting and visuals are just okay. By theatrical film standards, though, they're not very good at all.

When it comes to the screenplay, regardless of the budget, it's just bad. The most interesting aspect of this movie was giving the audience some potential insight into what drove these men to launch such an attack, but it's really only explored at a surface level, if that. They talk about how America is bad and how American values are bad and that the attack is what their god wants, but it's all just expressed in dialogue, and bad dialogue, at that.

Made me wish I was rewatching Four Lions or United 93 instead (and yes, I know the former is a comedy and completely different tonally, but at least it did something interesting with a similar premise, and when it got a little more intense, it functioned better as a drama than this movie does to boot).

The technical limitations imposed by what I'm guessing was a low budget is one of the only things that makes me feel it's okay to cut this film some slack (the admittedly intriguing and bold - for 2004 - premise might be another). Otherwise, it's honestly quite bad.
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