One of the better and quite watchable Western movies
8 February 2021
The whole movie was seriously done with cares. What I appreciated this movie most is its soundtrack, unlike those stupid western movies bombarded with non-stop, drive-you-crazy, completely irrelevant loud music, the soundtrack background music was so subtle and so appropriately arranged, it timely played on and timely faded away, making this movie a joy to watch. Besides, its storyline was quite unique and colorful, there were minor stories among the major story allot with some colorful characters; bad guys, good guys, all well inserted and played by every actors, males and those two females, one lead, one support. But still, what I really want to emphasize about this movie is the rare and nice arrangement of the supporting backgrounded soundtrack, it never bothered you but timely supported to match the ongoing of the storyline, and help it developed well in tempo and depth. If all the Western genre movies could be produced in this way, Western movies would never phase itself out so miserably lost to the new generation of audiences after 60s to 70s.

Highly recommended, if you could still find it.
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