Jumps right in
8 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"Silent Madness" wastes no time in getting to the action. The wrong psycho - I mean "mentally-disturbed individual" - is released from his treatment facility and goes on a killing spree. Only after a couple nameless victims are slashed do we get any sort of establishing exposition; not that I'm complaining. While the miscreant doctors responsible for the mishap busy themselves with covering it up, Dr. Joan Gilmore (Belinda Montgomery) sets out to track the killer. There is some fun to be had along the way. The murders make good use of the 3-D gimmick and the gorgeous Katie Bull is mesmerizing in her beauty. Also deserving mention is Barry Salmon's eerie, perfectly suited musical score. For me, however, the real star of the movie is Virgil, played by Dennis Helfend. He turns in a wonderfully demented performance as one of the hospital orderlies tasked with corralling the killer. (Sadly, "Silent Madness" is listed as his final role. He apparently passed away in 1988 at the tragically young age of 49.)
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