Most unscrupulous try to cash in with a movie in history.
17 February 2021
You know what an a*** is (can't write it out, it's an insult)? An a*** is someone who takes advantage of his environment or other people for his own purpose. A real a*** screenwriter would take the idea of the best comedy ever and just copy it for the lack of creativity, own ideas, visions or any other capabilities (a***es lack these). And then change a tiny detail and say: 'Look, it's a different movie!'

That's exactly what happened here; don't believe anyone who tells you, that is not Groundhog Day, coz it is just that but the Michel-Bay-version of it. The only thing changed is the solution of coming out of the circle, which makes no sense, has no meaning, is pseudo-math-BS and makes this copy even worse.

Everything in this movie is phony, false, has been made better somewhere else; it has no charm, no soul, even the protagonists have this teflon-plastic aura.

Who may like this movie: tasteless pricks, school bullies, or kids who have no clue that Groundhog Day even exists. Watching this tripe they will be traumatized and may never watch the Original or excellent versions of the material like Edge of Tomorrow or Palm Springs (these managed to make sth new of it).

Don't believe the good reviews, this is either family or guys with agenda.

Finally I must admit, it may have some entertainment value for teenagers, but even that is mediocre fun.
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