Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Senate Murders (2010)
Season 2, Episode 15
Senate Murders
21 February 2021
Despite the idea of the murder mystery being interesting in this context, I think the episode was a big swing and mostly a miss. There was a certain emotional factor to the episode given the identity of the victim, but the investigation that came after felt messy and not entirely thought through. I liked to see Padmé take on more of a commanding presence for once, but the role she was given to carry did not come with any real weight. I also felt that the ending was a bit too unrealistic with the identity of the killer being more anticlimactic than shocking. I was way more interested in the politics of the episode than the main murder plot, so if they had made the political scene of the episode more important to the murder, I think the episode would have been more to my taste.
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