Review of Hide-Out

Hide-Out (1934)
This is another entry in Leo the Groaning Fat Cat's "Crime Pays" series . . .
31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . which includes such "hits" as MASSACRE ON THE BOUNTY, KILL ALL WITCHES, GASHED WITH THE WHIP and BRAIN YOUR WIFE ON AN ANCHOR (aka, ANCHORS AWAY!). Whether it's the biggest grass hut on Tahiti, an Emerald City palace, the Tara plantation house or the West Country's Manderley estate, the common denominator of the Many Greedy Mobsters studio criminal role models is that they always live in the largest digs around because, well, crime pays. It's no surprise, then, when gangster Lucky Wilson traipses off to Sing-Sing at the close of HIDE-OUT, since this celebrity jail is nicknamed "The Castle on the Hudson." Plus the $425,000 in protection racket loot Lucky has stashed away in the hayloft (or $8.5 million, adjusted for inflation) is far more than minimum wage, no matter how many hours of unpaid overtime he has to put in during his brief 18-month vacation from Pauline, the gladder but dumber school teacher girl.
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