Review of Hall

Hall (2020)
Had potential but ultimately it's a frustrating movie.
6 April 2021
This movie has very good acting and excellent atmosphere and a palpable sense of dread but it's also a very frustrating experience to watch. I wasn't sure if this was a zombie film or an infection movie (like 28 DAYS/WEEKS LATER) and in fact THIS movie doesn't seem to know what it wants to be. Some infected act violently for a few seconds but most infected just gasp for breath and crawl on the ground. One character in particular spent the majority of her screen time gasping/crawling around on the floor (at least 20 minutes of the film!!). The crawling gets annoyingly repetitive especially considering the movie is only an hour and 17 minutes long. The film seems to want to be an infection film (like CONTAGION) but also have zombie movie vibes to it.

There's a very interesting and dark side storyline involving how the outbreak is happening but it's only focused on for about 3 minutes. The filmmaker of this movie has a ton of talent and potential though. I hope he makes more films that have a better storyline/script.
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