Review of Cannonball!

Cannonball! (1976)
More like cannon(car)boom
10 April 2021
Not to be confused with the widely popular Cannonball Run series - with Burt Reynolds, which came a few years later than this. This has a different approach and is more serious or let's say the comedy is more subtle at places. And it can get quite violent to say the least. It also does contain a lot of really well known actors too though.

The Carradines for example. But also some cameos (from Martin Scorsese and Sylvester Stallone no less, to name two of them). All that may not help elevate the movie further in your mind. What does elevate (the cars) are the multiple explosions you can witness here. If you are into that stuff you will be satisfied ... while most watching may wonder if this is spoofing the whole notion of cars exploding for no reason at all others may rejoice in that and celebrate it.

The movie has its nice moments, but also has its downfalls ... it has not aged too well (apart from the exploding element I reckon, again if you are into that stuff) ...
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