Decoy: The Phoner (1957)
Season 1, Episode 3
The Phoner
13 April 2021
Casey Jones investigates a creepy sex pest who is terrorising Betty Hodges with obscene phone calls.

Casey pretends to be Betty's sister in order to lure the pest out into the open. He seems to know a lot about Betty so he might be local and keeping tabs on her.

The episode had to skirt around the censorship rules of the time. There is a focus on the reaction of Betty who is a woman living alone and is a nervous wreck.

The reaction of the officers trying to trace the caller who are unhappy with the kind of language used.

Casey has been keeping company with Betty. After Betty is hospitalised it is Casey who is in danger but she is more than a match for the pest.

The story could have had a bit more mystery by not exposing the caller early on.
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