Stressed to Death (2019 TV Movie)
Stressed to Death with the plotline of this stupid movie
19 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is genuinely one of the worst movies I've ever had the misfortune of watching.

An EMT named Maggie made a choice to save a pregnant woman in labour during a robbery, instead of a middle-aged man. The man died because the armed robber wouldn't let her help both. On account of him having a gun and whatnot she did what she could.

One would think that the villain should be the armed robber, because he fired the gun, but nope not this gem of a movie. What actually happens is that the man's widowed wife conspires FOR TEN YEARS to enact a revenge killing on Maggie for not saving her husband.

Seems crazy right? That's because it is.

So we fast-forward to the 10 year mark, and Maggie has a daughter named Jane who is now friends with crazy-widow-lady's son, Alston, and she has a massive crush on him. Coincidentally, she just so happens to be his tutor! Oh how the fates align...

Jane decides one day to leave a love note in his bedroom, but after seeing him kissing another girl decides to sneak into his home to retrieve it. Now, she succeeds in retrieving the note... Does she do the sensible thing and simply put it in her pocket and skiddadle? Oh no, she tears that sucker up over his bed, scattering those pieces all over it and then leaving. But lo-and-behold, the revenge plot has begun at this very moment and poor Jane comes face to face with her mother's hitmen.

Jane then decides not to hide with her very visible blue bike, but to cycle that baby home through main roads whilst being chased by the hitmen... Only to drop her bicycle on her front garden in plain site for the hitmen to see.

And as I've suddenly lost all motivation to continue writing this, I'll leave everyone with my ultimate review of the movie.

Genuine garbage, the writing sucks, the acting sucks and I feel like my own life sucks just a little bit after watching it.
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