A must-see film for Cooper fans.
20 April 2021
Although an ardent Gary Cooper fan even I did not expect to enjoy him quite as much as I did on viewing this underrated gem for the first time. His performance is so multi-layered that his every reaction seems justified considering the stress he is under from all directions and we find ourselves caring very much for this likeable man who is striving to do his best by everyone. The scene where he struggles to comfort his abandoned daughter is Cooper at his most sensitive and touching.

Very impressive too is the gifted Geraldine Fitzgerald who manages to portray the shrike of a wife in such a subtle way that it's possible to search for justification in her behaviour e.g.her inability to compete with her husband for their daughter's affections. I just can't go along with the majority of viewers' complete condemnation of this woman and don't like the son's drunken treatment of her after the funeral. Suzy Parker is very beautiful and her character's May-September romance with the gentlemanly Gary Cooper is sensitively played and refreshingly lacking in self-pity and hysteria.

I'm thrilled to add this "classic" movie to my growing collection of Gary Cooper's immortal portrayals. Buy it now !
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