A Gunfight (1971)
Pure fiction...but entertaining fiction.
24 April 2021
"A Gunfight" is a pretty good movie. But it's important that folks know that it's all myth...the myth of the old west. So much of what you see in westerns is fake....created by Hollywood to sell tickets. So, while you'll see folks gunning down each other in duels on main street at high noon, this isn't real. I checked....and in the entire history of the old west, only two gunfights like this ever occurred...and they went down very differently in real life. In one case, it took four shots for one gunman to kill the other...and seeing folks doing trick shooting and rapid-firing and the like just didn't occur. When someone did shoot another person, it was usually with a rifle or shotgun and often they shot their victim in the back! No, the notion of the noble quick-shooter is something you just didn't see in the west....although this is the plot to "A Gunfight"!

When the story begins, Abe Cross (Johnny Cash) wanders into a town. He's broke, his horse is dying and he has a reputation as a fast shot which precedes him. Also in this same town is a resident, Will Tenneray (Kirk Douglas)...also thought to be a fast shot. But the pair don't hate each other and neither is in the mood for a fight and instead they share a few drinks and become friendly. During this time, Abe jokes that if they DID have a gunfight, folks would buy tickets to watch! Later, Will approaches Abe...and says selling tickets would be a great idea. Both are poor and the winner (i.e., the survivor) would be able to start a new life. Soon the town is abuzz with folks wanting to bet on the outcome. What's next?

Again, it's pure fiction. But it's well made pure fiction. Johnny Cash is very good and Kirk Douglas is what you'd expect. The film is also technically well made and interesting. My only complaint is that the ending is confusing.

So my suggestion is to watch it (it's currently on YouTube)...but don't believe this really is like the west because it isn't. In fact, I used to be an American history teacher and my students were very disappointed to hear that so many of their assumptions about the west are Hollywood creations.

By the way, oddly enough the Jacarilla Apache tribe was the major financer of the film. Perhaps they just liked the notion of some cowboys shooting each other or they thought it would be a good investment for the tribe.
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