The Newcomers (2000)
'Sweetness' overload.
25 April 2021
This movie should come with a health warning - if you're diabetic or have similar health problems that require you to avoid sugar then you need to avoid this movie at all costs. This movie is so sugary sweet it's almost sickening. That's not its only problem though. This movie is so contrived, so derivative, so full of stereotyped characters that you will be forgiven for thinking you've seen it before. You have in a way. You've seen this all before and seen it done much better. There are no surprises here. You could write this yourself. You can guess what is going to happen well before it does - and you'll be correct. A special mention has to be made of the soundtrack, which sounds like one of those syrupy tunes a cheap phone will offer as a ring tone. Maybe that's where it came from. Anyway, it is excruciating and just doesn't let up! Possibly the only interesting thing this movie has to offer is the opportunity to see a number of now-well-known actors before they hit the big time. I guess this movie is the kind of thing you have to do on your way up in Hollywood.

It's impossible to recommend this movie to anyone looking for something remotely entertaining. However, if you're in the market for something bland, colourless and action free that won't tax your brain cells or emotions in any conceivable way, then this is the movie for you.
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