1 May 2021
The other reviews pretty much covered the story of the movie. Kerwin Mathews has stated in several interviews..."I am NOT a Mr. Anything". Apparently the producers wanted a body builder lead for this movie during the Hercules era and because Mathews was American he must be Mr. Something. Also, the costumes were very accurate for the period 1,000BCE in that part of the Medetrainian. The female costumes were exactly like the ones on Crete as seen in wall murals in the palace of Knossos. Also the inverted red columns were in style at that time as well. They were just painted tree trunks that were placed upside down to give more room around the bottom. Plus being in an earthquake zone, a lot of wood was used in construction in order to absorb the shocks. When I visited Lesbos, I didn't see any girls as good looking a Tina Louise. I have also added a few new stills to the gallery.
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