Is this the film that got Walter Matthau noticed?...
15 May 2021
.... because he leaps off the screen compared to the other actors, all of which have such wooden performances you could build a bonfire out of them.

It's about a bank robber, Jack Martin (Walter Matthau) who has just escaped the police but has one handcuff still attached to his wrist. He gets out of that cleverly. Then he decides to rob a small town bank in a most unconventional way. But the local mob - which Martin knows nothing about - is angry that this guy "invaded their territory" and are out looking for him. He realizes he's being followed, but he thinks they are the cops. Meanwhile, after the robbery, he has started working at a citrus ranch owned by a librarian, and things begin to get romantic between them. When the mob catches up to him, they make him an offer he can't refuse. How does this turn out? Watch and find out.

Matthau directed this and never directed another one. It's a virtue to cut your losses and apply yourself to what you are good at, in his case acting. The dialogue is very non-descript, the female lead (that's actually Matthau's wife playing this part) looks like she might have an intriguing backstory that is never examined, and the art design is ponderous. Why is there a big sign that says "Police Station" inside a police station? With a detective reading "Law and Order" magazine in his spare time.?

The film gets one thing right - When your actors make the ones in Ed Wood movies look like they are of Shakespearean quality, and your dialogue is flat, go with the one thing you have left - Hurry! Keep the pace quick, keep the action interesting, keep people guessing (sort of) what is going to happen next. And this film does that.

If you like Matthau - I do - this is probably worth a look. It is definitely not boring.
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