The little people at golf - intensity is crazy....
19 May 2021
Unlike other reviewers here, I have to differ to the rest. This documentary was uncomfortable viewing. These are just little kids, and really even in 2-3 years time (let alone 20 years) we don't know how they'll develop physically & mentally. The world is full of those who could have been.

This documentary has some very uncomfortable parent child connections, and as they were kids I'll leave out who I'm referring to (but those who have watched the documentary likely know who I'm talking about).

The kids are over coached and prepared for interviews! That is uncomfortable in itself. It was great to see the kids when they were allowed to just be well... kids! Yet here there is an ultra competitiveness. With all due respect, who cares in the long-term who was the best 7 year old at golf? Some guy might not pick up a golf club until he is 14 and end up trouncing all of them.

For me, I thought this was uncomfortable viewing, not that thankfully I had their lifestyle. The life of the rich and famous can be quite strange to outsiders like us all. Really this should have been all much more critical of certain people in this documentary, but seemed to just show it all as happy!

A documentary that I feel that may be hiding the truth that may only come out in many years to come.
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