Great Source material; overall disappointed
29 May 2021
When written by someone who actually cares about the source material, Deathstroke the Terminator has less to do with Teen Titans and more to do with being the shadowy scourge of 3rd world dictators and despots across the globe (for a hefty price). This is a character that can hold his own with Batman.

The story deserved better than cringe dialogue from the empowered when it's convenient ex-Wife. The tragic father routine loses all merit if you can't make the family dynamic in this story at least passable. Yet everyone's motivations seem completely at odds with with that end state. A strained relationship makes sense, but upon watching this you can't believe they ever cared about each other.

I know Greg Berlanti is the the DCEU rosters most consistent hit maker (except for Legends of Tomorrow, Batwoman, and late series Flash, and the unforgivable Stargirl), but a hard R rating is useless without a story to push it forward. Why is the script seemingly the last thing that people care about?
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