Review of Rams

Rams (2020)
Western Australia, two brothers don't speak to each other but raise sheep.
30 May 2021
My wife and I watched this at home on DVD from our public library. It appears to be an almost exact remake of a 2015 Icelandic movie of the same name, but this one is set in Western Australia.

Two brothers in their 70s live adjacent to each other. Their homes are about a pitching wedge distance apart. But they never speak to each other, it has been that way for over 40 years. They never really explain why but it is hinted the older brother is angry that the deceased dad gave all the property to the younger brother who allows the older to remain living and working there.

The brothers raise prized rams that carry an ancient lineage and in yearly contests the ram of one or the other always wins first place. Tragedy strikes when it is discovered that a disease is infecting the sheep and all animals are ordered destroyed. But one brother has an idea to bypass the system when he believes his rams are not infected.

We enjoyed the movie mainly for the actors. If this had been "based on real events" it might have been more interesting. But overall, while it is entertaining most of the time, there is not particular substantial message here. It is a low risk movie to watch on a Saturday evening after dinner.
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