Not Going Out (2006– )
Unrecognizable from first series.
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was introduced to Not Going Out several years ago during series 5 and absolutely loved the clever one liners between Lee Mack's character and Tim Vine. Some of the situations they found themselves in were hilarious.

These days the show is barely recognizable and it's interesting to reflect on the evolution of the show from the first series through to the recent 11th series.

Lee Mack is the only actor to have appeared in every episode. Back in series one he was living with his best mate Tim's ex girlfriend Kate, played by Megan Dodds. The concept of the show was basically the dynamic of Tim trying to get back with Kate, whilst Lee was also there trying to seek approval. The real strength of the show was Lee and Tim were effectively playing extensions of themselves and were able to deliver some great one liners similar to their respective stand up comedy careers.

At the beginning of series 2 we find out that Kate has left and that Tim's sister Lucy becomes Lee's new flatmate/land lady. This effectively sets the tone for the next 6 series where Lee tries to impress and get with Lucy. We are also introduced to Tim's ditsy girlfriend Daisy and the cleaner Barbara played by Miranda Richardson.

Lee and Tim would still provide the majority of laughs, finding themselves in some ridiculous situations much to the annoyance of Lucy.

After series 3 Barbara is never mentioned again and over the course of the next few series Tim and Lucy's parents become reoccurring characters as does Bobby Ball as Lee's dad. The introduction of these characters added a new interesting dynamic to the show which can still be seen through to at least series 11, after which Bobby Ball sadly passed away.

At the end of Series 5 Tim Vine left the show with his character working abroad. Daisy was weirdly left behind. Series 6 had it's moments but the void left by Tim Vine was massive.

Series 7 introduced Toby played by the fantastic Hugh Dennis and his wife Anna, who lived in the same apartment building as Lee and Lucy. This series had some really strong episodes including the great one where Lee and Daisy appear on Pointless. The series ended on high note with Lee and Lucy finally getting together. This was a great episode which celebrated many of the best moments from the series. Tim Vine also briefly returned for this.

This would have been a great way for the series to end but surprisingly it came back for a new Christmas Special filmed for the first time without a studio audience, where the main cast were trapped in a department store. This episode effectively bridged the gap between the old format of the show and the newer format where Lee and Lucy have a family of their own. This was also the last time Daisy appeared and was mentioned.

From series 8 onwards, the show timeline had fast forwarded by a few years and Lee and Lucy have 3 children. Their parents are still part of the show as are Toby and Anna. The style of humor completely changed at this point, with the dialogue no longer as sharp and witty as in the past. Tim and Daisy are never mentioned, which is bizarre considering that Lucy is Tim's sister and Lee's best friend. Tim's parents also regularly appear.

There are a few highlights in the new look Not Going Out, such as the 'escape room episode and the Live Christmas Special.

When the show is good it is unbeatable but more there's more dud episodes than good. It will be interesting to see what is in store for the next 2 series that have already been commissioned.
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