Murder In-Law (2019 TV Movie)
Cheapened by the killings
4 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
After all these years, I find that the more creative Lifetime movies manage to have either no or low body counts. Obviously the first killing was absurd, but the second was absolutely ridiculous. This movie would have been better as a suspense/psych thriller with maybe the absolute last straw being attempting to eliminate the person who is perceived to cause all of her problems.

The blackmail scene with the best friend was so stilted...and of course even though she did what the villain wanted, she still died. Anyway, the conversation where the friendship "ends," is just too obviously written for the plot point and wasn't as bold or open as early ones they had. I realize things have to happen for the movie to "work," but best friends would not just sit and take that. This happens constantly in these movies and the person ends up dying. Another ridiculous moment was an ex-gf coming to the house for dinner? Who does that? And then who stays? Then the husband (of course clueless like the majority of Lifetime husbands) embarrasses his wife when she comes home and sees him in appropriately with the ex. Absurd. Then the ex apparently has a terminal illness that's supposed to make the wife feel bad...but of course no one tells her. What a joke. You have to accept abnormal behavior in order to get through this movie.

The villain also looked a good five years older than her "son" and his wife, so at first, I didn't even know who the MIL was.

I have a love/hate relationship with Lifetime and will watch for weeks and then not watch for months. I expect exactly what we're meant to from these movies, but sometimes you wish they'd do things a bit differently. This movie definitely could have worked as a mind game. I like to compare these movies to the plot/storyline of The Hand That Rocks the Cradle. That's a big screen movie, but it's a good revenge/psych thriller template with a villain that you "get." I wish more Lifetime movies were tv versions of that.
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